In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free. Psalm 118:5

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Finally, a Cohesive Plan

As I stumble through this journey (publicly, I might add LOL), I have come to realize something very important about myself: I like to have a plan. I'm basically like this in all areas of my life. Finances, education, the routines of daily life, when I'm teaching: you name the circumstance, and I'm sure to prefer a plan. I don't like to fly by the seat of my pants (which is most certainly why I never excelled at improvisation as a musician). Now, this is not to say I'm inflexible, because as a (former?) educator, a mother to three, and a military wife, I have mastered the fine art of flexibility. It just means I function better and feel safer with a plan.

So why did I not get a plan sooner? I don't suppose it matters too terribly much. The point is, I have one now. I am working through Made to Crave, a Bible study by Lysa Terkeurst, and she cites some amazing statistics about success as it relates to having a plan: the possibility of achieving a goal is....10% when you hear an idea, 40% when you decide you will do it, 50% when you plan how you will do it, 65% when you commit to someone else you will do it and 95% when you have an accountability appointment with the person you've committed to.

This blew my mind! I've been wandering aimlessly on this course, tripping over my own feet and trying to lean on my own efforts and knowledge, when all the while, I needed a plan...a GPS of sorts. I've been trying to get to a destination, to an address, with no system to guide me. Sounds so silly even now as I type it out. But, I have a plan now.

I did some research online (of course) and after much thinking and talking it over with my husband, I've made a choice. I started the Paleo diet today, albeit a slightly modified version, and so did John (that's an enormous blessing for me). THAT is my plan. For those who aren't familiar with it, it's basically a plan that removes all processed food from my diet. This mostly means pre-packaged stuff. If it's in a box, a can, a jar or an air-tight bag, it's not in my plan. There is disagreement among experts regarding whether whole-grains (as cavemen could not make bread products), and dairy are permissable. John and I have decided to allow for these things, but only in healthier forms and in limited quantities, at least for now.

I have grown to be of the mindset that nothing is really forbidden. It's all permissable. The question is, is it beneficial to my longterm goals? Freedom. Peace. Stability. If it's not going to get me to my goal (not the number on the scale, but to freedom, peace and stability), then it's not beneficial.

I have tried diet PLANS before, and even had positive results. Temporarily, that is. So how is this plan any different? It's two-fold. Because I have seen repeatedly that without God as my focus, I will not have lasting success, or the freedom, peace, and stability I so desperately seek, I am finally combining the two concepts. A Plan...God as my focus...together...finally.

I fully anticipate hard days and tough choices, and I'm prepared to lay in my floor and cry over the fact that I can't have those chips or the cookies my flesh and my tastebuds are screaming for. But, I will begin each day with a special prayer I've composed for myself (it's included below), and I will walk through this journey with my GPS on and my focus on God.

God, I come to you this morning, knowing that I am made for more than the vicious cycle of being ruled by food. I want to eat to live, not live to eat. I ask you again today, with repetition, for your wisdom to know what to eat. I believe your Word, which tells me I have within me the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead. I know wholeheartedly I will not ever be free as a result of my own efforts or strength, and instead pray for your indwelling power to rise up within me and enable me to walk away from things that are not beneficial for me. I ask you as my Glorious Father to strengthen me, to set me free from my addiction and obsession with food. Not so I can wear a smaller size, but so I may know You better, Lord. Please, teach me today who I am in You and draw me closer to You. Reveal to me how this journey I am on is less about food, exercise and lifestyle choices and more about a chance for deep, lasting and wonderful connections with you. Lord, I ask that you remind me to pray with every temptation I face today and give me the insight I need to speak out against the devil. I thank you this morning Father God for the chance to be on this journey with you and I know that I will soon see its blessings. Thank you for loving me. I give my body as an offering to you this morning, God, and will honor You by caring for the temple You have given me. Amen.

{Scriptures used include: Ephesians 1:17-19, Romans 12:1-2; also, some phrases included in my prayer are taken from Made To Crave, by Lysa Terkeurst, Ch. 5}

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