In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free. Psalm 118:5

Friday, January 7, 2011

Freedom or BUST!

Good morning, Friends!

I'm sitting in my living room, watching three toddlers climb and play on the recliner, wondering to myself, "why would anyone be interested in anything I have to say?" But God planted an idea in my heart yesterday, and here I am.

I have struggled for as long as I can remember with my weight and related food issues, including bingeing, starving and overeating. Since October (I think) I have been working through my food issues in an online Bible study. It has been a grueling fight for my freedom, to say the least. I am still not free. Today, I can say I have had five days of victory. And that's huge.

Within the last week, I have experienced a renewal of my mind and spirit, and am experiencing increased focus and God-given determination to be free from this stronghold. Let's call it what it is,'s GLUTTONY! Isn't that an ugly word? I like calling it a stronghold instead :) None of us wants to consider ourselves gluttons. I know I didn't. But that's what and who I am, and God is setting me free.

This blog is the story of my journey to freedom. Until this point, it has been a very privately- painful fight for freedom. God suggested to me yesterday, though, that I go public. That, perhaps, other people out there would benefit from my story. Now, I can feel some of you rolling your eyes already, saying to yourselves, "it's just food, you're making too much of it" or "go on a diet and be done with it." I'll tell each of you though, that I've tried man's ways to be free, and it's gotten me nowhere. I've experienced temporary success on multiple occasions, only to return to old habits and pits of sin time and time again.

I'm wiping my hands of this back-and-forth junk, and I've set my mind on freedom. I will be writing this blog to tell my story and hopefully to minister to others. No matter what your stronghold may be, I believe my story can help. I've come to learn that sin is sin is sin...period. My sin and your sin are the their most basic forms, sin is disobedience to God. I know when I'm free from this and finally bring my eating into God's will and am obedient to Him, I will be working to be free from a different stronghold. Don't think food is my only issue! LOL

So I ask you, how are you disobeying God? Do you want to be free? Join me in this fight, this journey to be free. Do the hard work, dig deep and set your mind on what God wants for you. Let's go!

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