In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free. Psalm 118:5

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mile Markers

When was the last time you took an inventory of your progress on this journey to freedom? Whatever you are struggling to be free from, perhaps it's time to evaluate your level of freedom with an honest and loving lens (not the self-critical, beat-yourself-up kind that we're all too comfortable and familiar with).

God gave me fresh insight to my journey last night while I was watching a TV program called "Heavy" (I believe on TLC). This show features two individuals every week who undergo a major weight loss transformation over a six month period of time. There are no prizes, it's not a competition. Just devotion to the process (though their relationship with God is the single element that is never addressed). In an interview with one of the participants, a young girl was describing her internal dialogue regarding her level of obsession with food. I listened to this girl and practically had flashbacks of my own internal dialogue. It was like she was inside my head. She was describing how she would be eating one thing and thinking about what she would eat next, the next meal or the next snack. How she would snack between snacks. And it was in that moment that God showed me just how far I've come. This was a major "so far" moment for me, the kind Beth Moore talks about in her Daniel study.

Praise God, I am free from this dialogue! This link in my chain is gone! This is no small feat, people. It is a critical element in my lifelong struggle with food addiction, and God has set me free from it. How had I not noticed this? I believe we oftentimes get so caught up in the "process" that we forget to appreciate the small (or not so small) "mile" markers on our journey.

So go ahead, take your own inventory. What have you found some level of freedom from? What have you come "so far" from? What marker on your journey have you potentially overlooked and not celebrated? Ask God today to give you discernment and insight, and when God reveals your marker to you, praise Him with thanksgiving and adoration for carrying you to freedom.

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